Category Archives: All About Tom

Thomas Edison Fire-1914

Date: December 9, 1914
Place: Edison West Orange Labs [NJ]
Time: 5:15 p.m.
Action: Large explosion in Building 41, film inspection area.

The great fire of 1914 was triggered by highly combustible nitrate film exploding. Nitrate film at that time was composed of nitrocellulose, also known as gun cotton, a major ingredient of naval munitions…and known to be highly combustible if in an unstable state.

By 6:20, six other buildings were afire; by 7:40 another six buildings were also engaged-for a total of 13 active building fires. This level of activity quickly overpowered the 72 man Edison employee fire department and several other large neighboring city departments. At about 9:30 powerful explosions from stores of volatile chemicals inside the buildings rocketed flames 100 feet aloft, causing secondary fires as far away as 5 blocks. During the night as many as 10,000 people gathered to see the “barn-burner.”

An eerie night glow as fire guts a large factory building

An eerie night glow as fire guts a large factory building

Many employees scurried about to save precious artifacts in the famous R&D labs and Edison’s office/library from flames that were perhaps a few hundred feet away. Mrs. Edison was among those helping to save her husband’s legacy.

In the heart of the fire…notice in foreground badly twisted steel support columns

In the heart of the fire…notice in foreground badly twisted steel support columns

According to a 1961 Reader’s Digest article by Edison’s son Charles, Edison calmly walked over to him as he watched the fire destroy his dad’s work. In a childlike voice, Edison told his 24-year-old son, “Go get your mother and all her friends. They’ll never see a fire like this again.” When Charles objected, Edison said, “It’s all right. We’ve just got rid of a lot of rubbish.” Later, at the scene of the blaze, Edison was quoted in The New York Times as saying, “Although I am over 67 years old, I’ll start all over again tomorrow.” He told the reporter that he was exhausted from remaining at the scene until the chaos was under control, but he stuck to his word and immediately began rebuilding the next morning without firing any of his employees. [Credit to: “Thomas Edison’s Reaction To His Factory Burning Down Shows Why He Was So Successful”; Richard Feloni [May 9, 2014]]

This building….a total loss!

This building….a total loss!

The fire cost him nearly $1 million, with only about one-third of that covered by insurance. Good friend Henry Ford loaned Tom $750,000 to help him get back on his feet. Words of encouragement and sympathy poured in, especially from President Woodrow Wilson and George Eastman. Some beautiful words from Nikola Tesla—

“As one of the millions of your admirers, I send you my sympathy. It is not only a personal and national loss, but a world loss, for you have been one of its greatest benefactors.”

[So much for the trumped up enmity between these two great men]

While 1500 men were engaged to clean up the damage, Edison was true to his “I shall return spirit”. In a couple of days his employees were in nearby temporary facilities; and by New Year’s Day, just three weeks hence, his factory buildings were partially restored with his people hard at work. Only one employee had died in the horrific fire.

In 1915, Thomas Edison Industries chalked up $10 million in revenue. Way to recover Tom!

[Credit also to Bruce Spadaccini, former Museum Technician for his two articles about the fire, information from which was included here.]

Thomas Edison said, “The world owes nothing to any man, but every man owes something to the world.”

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.


Thomas Edison, Ford, and Jobs – Player Coaches

OK….here goes…..what do Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Steve Jobs have in common?

Yes, they were all inventors; and yes, they changed the world. But, there was something else, which history will pronounce important as well. Know what it is?

All three were player coaches; that is, they coached their teams and invented too—doing both equally well. They had the proper balance in both roles, which is very difficult to do. And they knew, viscerally, the value of failure in ultimately producing better products.

Thomas Edison, Ford, and Jobs - Player Coaches

These icons were able to emotionally attach their teams to a goal, thereby deeply tapping into team creativity and ownership of the problem(s) at hand. They led their people, inspiring them to produce great things and most of all to think out-of-the-box. They knew intuitively when to get down and dirty into the work with them and when to trust their teams to get the job done—to stand by and cheer them on; or if necessary, help snow-plow them forward.

Thomas Edison, Ford, and Jobs - Player Coaches

Edison’s freethinking spirit and bonds with his workers promoted a creative atmosphere for everyone to bask in. It was not about punishing people and teams for failure. It was about encouragement and understanding the human spirit…motivation by example and working as hard as everyone else….gaining respect and giving it when it was due…..same with Ford and Jobs.

Thomas Edison, Ford, and Jobs - Player Coaches

It is leadership in action. These men were incredible project managers, able to consistently blend technical skills and management/leadership principles together.

Thomas Edison said, “The world owes nothing to any man, but every man owes something to the world.”

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.


Thomas Edison-Licensing Opportunities

In summary, Thomas Edison (1847-1931) has been hailed as the world’s greatest inventor. Among his many inventions (1,093 patents) are the phonograph, motion picture camera and the light bulb (including the entire electric power industry). He also created the basic approach to industrial research and development (R&D) still used today. Besides being an inventor he really stands out as an innovator and entrepreneur which is one of the reasons TIME Magazine stated he is “still relevant today”.

Tom in his beloved chemistry lab

Tom in his beloved chemistry lab

Edison Innovation Foundation
​The Edison Innovation Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports the Edison Legacy and encourages students (including women and minorities) to embrace careers in science, technology, and engineering and is committed to educating the next generation of great innovators while using Edison and his Invention Factory as the foundation.

Charles Edison Fund
Charles Edison was the son of Thomas Edison, the famous inventor and entrepreneur. Charles was a businessman and philanthropist and in 1948 established the Charles Edison Fund (“Fund”). The Fund was created to maintain the legacy of his father, Thomas Edison, and to meet his own philanthropic goals in good and bad economic times.

The Fund engages in licensing the Edison name and image. Edison Intellectual property (“Edison IP”) generates extra revenues to support programs run by the Edison Innovation Foundation. Licensing is accomplished either with outside representatives or through its extensive social media platform. A recent example of an Edison license involves the Intel-Edison Compute module (chip) which evolved out of a formal license between the Fund and Intel Corporation. Below is a photo of the module and the “Edison Tommy” award given to inventors, entrepreneurs and contest winners who participate in ongoing and special programs.

Anyone interested in licensing Edison intellectual property should contact:

Charles Edison Fund
One Riverfront Plaza
1037 Raymond Blvd., Suite 340
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Phone: 973-648-0500

Why not associate your company with the Thomas Edison image:

The scope and import of his lifetime achievements are still today responsible for about 10% of the world’s economy—about $6 trillion annually.

Some economists believe his achievements are responsible for providing one-fourth of all the jobs on the planet.

Life magazine proclaimed in 1996 that Thomas Edison is the Man of the Millennium.

Tell the marketplace your company is innovative and entrepreneurial in the spirit of Thomas Edison. We can help you do this. Contact us.

The Edison Innovation Foundation invites donors to support the ongoing needs of the Edison Foundations by contributing to the continuing efforts to revitalize science education and Edison’s legacy. Innovation and Edison drove us through the industrial age and will continue to drive us into the future. Please help us carry on our important work. Financial contributions to the Edison Innovation Foundation are 100% tax deductible.

Edison Social Media

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.


Happy Birthday Thomas Edison-February 11th

Happy Birthday Thomas Edison-February 11th

It’s time to celebrate the birthday of the world’s greatest inventor, a man who gave us many presents-recorded sound, motion pictures, the light bulb and electric power system, and R&D labs.

“I love apple pie – If not apple, how about some rhubarb pie?”

“I love apple pie – If not apple, how about some rhubarb pie?”

Edison taught us about electric vehicles 100 years ago and would be cheering us on right now as we learn how to plug our cars in at night – helping to clean the air too. Tom was a big environmentalist, as was his lovely wife Mina.

Mina Edison driving her Tom [“dearie” as she called him] around in her 1911 electric vehicle.

Mina Edison driving her Tom [“dearie” as she called him] around in her 1911 electric vehicle.

He had a family too … here they are … Madeleine, Charles and Theodore, in order.

“Life's most soothing things are a child's goodnight and sweet music...”

“Life’s most soothing things are a child’s goodnight and sweet music…”

The Edison family on the back porch of their lovely, Victorian style home at Glenmont

The Edison family on the back porch of their lovely, Victorian style home at Glenmont

Below, Tom and Mina shortly after their marriage in 1886–she 19, he 38– a lasting marriage. Mina was a devoted mother, home executive, philanthropist, environmentalist/horticulturist, and public relations asset to Tom and his business. Tom proposed to her in Morse code, tapped out on her hand; she accepting, also in Morse code, tapped out on his hand! He wrote her many love letters.

“A man’s best friend is a good wife.”

“A man’s best friend is a good wife.”

Happy Birthday Tom! We will never forget you.

“I never did a day’s work in my life, it was all fun.”

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.

